


Photo Collection: The Neolithic Tombs of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth

These tombs are all in the area of Boyne Valley, Co. Louth. Newgrange is best known but it’s worth travelling to all three. These pictures were taken just after the COVID lockdown. Since there were restrictions on visitor numbers it was great to go there without the regular number of tourists.


Pictures of the Neolithic tomb that’s been restored and rock art by the entrance and outside of the tomb.


These tombs are not restored in the same way as Newgrange but, there is a lot more to see. It contains 2 passage tombs and 18 smaller tombs. There’s also some interesting rock art.


Smaller tomb, about 1km from Newgrange.

Click here to read my article on the history, style and modern-day importance of Newgrange.

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